About Kelly

Kelly Tschirpig, Naturopath

  • BHSc (Naturopathy) 
  • Professional Member of the Naturopaths & Herbalists Association of Australia (156379) 

Hi, I’m Ash

I decided to pursue studies in naturopathic medicine after working through my own mental health struggles. I started struggling with stress and anxiety in high school, where the pressure I had put on myself to succeed was huge. What had started as stress and worry, soon blew up to something that was having a severe impact on my wellbeing. High school is a great time for things like this to start, right?!

After having my symptoms dismissed countless times and seeing more healthcare professionals than I can recall, I was ultimately left with the disheartening ‘diagnosis’ of having typical teenage emotions. My parents were told that it was nothing to worry about, and the stress and anxiety was an unfortunately, but not uncommon, reality of the pressures of high school.

My struggles didn’t end, and I was at a loss, until my family decided to try one last avenue – an integrative doctor who was so caring, considerate and genuinely passionate about helping people. He inspired me to pursue studies in naturopathic medicine with a specific focus on the mental health of teens and adolescents.

This is when I was officially (finally) diagnosed with anxiety and high copper levels (which manifests in various mental health symptoms). Finally I felt seen and I was relieved to hear that it wasn’t ‘all in my head”, as I had previously been told.

After this experience, I knew that this was the type of healthcare professional that I wanted to be. I explored pathways into studying medicine, psychology and finally decided to pursue naturopathy –  which I saw (and still see) as one of the most beautifully holistic healthcare professions.

Upon graduating, it became apparent to me how little support and education we really have for all of the underlying causes behind poor mental health. It seemed that the only treatment options that were widely available were talk therapy and medication, but what about the holistic options that naturopathy can offer?

My goal is to provide naturopathic care for teenagers and adolescents struggling with mental health, and provide evidence based herbal and nutritional medicine options that can work effectively and safely alongside conventional treatment. 


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If you’re unsure if a naturopath is a good fit for your family, book in a 15min chat.

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If you’re unsure if a naturopath is a good fit for your family, book in a 15min chat.

What Conditions Can Naturopaths Treat?

Parents don’t usually reach out for naturopathic care until all other options have been exhausted. At this point, there are often quite a few concerns relating to different areas of the body. In these situations we need to assess the body holistically – so we analyse how all these issues relate to one another and what the underlying cause is.


  • Allergies & Intolerances
  • Digestion & Upset Tummies
  • Sleeping Issues
  • Colic and Reflux
  • Learning & Behaviour


  • Herbal Medicine
  • Nutritional Supplements
  • Diet & Feeding
  • Pathology Testing
  • Family Meal Planning

Pathology Testing

  • Digestive Stool Analysis
  • Nutrient Status
  • Food Intolerance Testing
  • Genetic Profiling
  • Hair Mineral Analysis

Book Your Free Discovery Call

If you’re unsure if a naturopath is a good fit for your family, book in a 15min chat.

Free Consultation

Book Your Free Discovery Call

If you’re unsure if a naturopath is a good fit for your family, book in a 15min chat.